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Improve your Heart Health by Buying & Eating Fresh Asparagus from Distributors


If you are looking for one green leafy vegetable which you can eat on a daily basis, nothing is better than asparagus. It is highly nutritious and delicious vegetable which is power packed with essential antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It is one of the best food products to include in your diet if you want to improve your digestive health. Low in calories, it is low in sodium and contains approx 93% water. So, if you want to eat this vegetable in all season, Asparagus distributors can meet your needs.

Now, let’s take a quick look on how this vegetable is helpful for our body.

  1. It is one of the best food products to improve our heart health. The reason is it is extremely high in vitamin K and vitamin B complex that help in regulating amino acids and preventing the formation of blood clots.
  2. It contains anti-oxidant like glutathione that helps in slowing down the ageing process. Moreover, it is rich in folate as well that along with B12 helps in preventing cognitive decline.
  3. The health experts believe that if any person is suffering from heart diseases, then the chances of suffering from type 2 diabetes increase leading to oxidative stress and excessive inflammation. The high anti-inflammatory properties of asparagus and the presence of high level of antioxidants prevent the occurrence of these diseases. Therefore, buy fresh and different colors of asparagus from distributors and include it in your daily diet.

Method of Selecting & Storing Asparagus

When you are planning to purchase green asparagus, look for rich green color spears with a great length. Choose the spears with compact tips and approximately ½ inch thick. Avoid buying those, which have wilted or have a bad smell.

If you are storing it, keep it whole in a refrigerator. To maintain its moisture and freshness, wrap the ends of asparagus in a damp paper towel and store them in an upright position in the refrigerator. The asparagus distributors recommend eating the vegetable within 4 days of purchase is the best way to obtain the desired health benefits. You can easily purchase green, white and purple asparagus from distributors at pocket-friendly rates.